
Old Testament Essentials: Creation, Conquest, Exile and Return is unavailable, but you can change that!

“Christians love the Bible, but they often do not know what to do with the Old Testament,” writes Westmont College professor Tremper Longman. Further, he points out that it includes many types of writing—history, prophecy, poetry, wisdom and apocalyptic. In this helpful volume he offers different strategies for understanding each of these important types of writing. Jesus made a point to tell...

their grumbling. They were thirsty again and threatened Moses. God responds by telling Moses to use his walking stick to hit a rock, which then flowed with water. The names given to the location of this provision of water are telling. They are called Massah, which means “testing,” and Meribah, which means “quarreling.” Soon the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai, the place near which God had earlier revealed himself to Moses at the burning bush to commission him to go to Egypt (Exodus 3). God made
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